SIBILLINI E-BIKE is a project dedicated to all bike lovers, that involve nature, tourism and ecology. Our HUSQVARNA Bicycles allow you to discover every wonderful path of Monti Sibillini, the area where we are located. Our E-Bikes are available both for rental and sale.

E-Bike is basically the name given to the most recent bicycles equipped with an electric engine, that assists your bike ride. For this reason, these bycicles are also called EPAC – Electric Pedal Assisted Cycle o Pedelec.
The main feature that differentiate an E-Bike from a motorbike or an electric scooter is the fact that the engine of the E-Bike only activates itself when you’re pedaling, giving a support to the biker and lightening the effort required, especially considering using it climbing an hill compared to a normal bike.

E-Bikes allow users to combine the main advantages of both bikes and motorcycles: indeed, they are eco-friendly bikes that follow the main actions required to take a care approach to the earth safety, even allowing the user to travel difficult and great path absorbed into nature.
The main advantages are:
- It is an ecologic mean because it uses a few amount of electric energy.
- It has very low related costs, because it is legally like a normal bike, therefore not requiring any related duty.
- The E-Bike allows the user to spend less efforts, because the helping electric engine supports them especially when neede, like during hills or long rides. Therefore, it is fit for purpose of everyday city rides or high-hill bike rides.
- It allows everyone, even not trained people, to reach incredible landscapes that are usually located in places difficult to be reached. It also allows users to cover important distances, both city or countryside located.

E-Bikes share with normal bikes all positive benefits related to people’s health. It is nowadays well accepted that an healthy lifestyle helps people to live better, and bikers know it well. E-Bikes, thanks to the fact that the effort required is less strong but steadier, are the optimal mean for someone who is approaching to sport step-by-step. Furthermore, it is less stressfull for joints: indeed, the engine’s help especially helps in the moments when the strongest effort is required, like for example on taking off again or during an hill.
E-Bikes allow people to rediscover the joy lived during pedaling: both you’re going to work, coming back from supermarket or just spending a few days in Sarnano, you can be helped by the electric engine to avoid extra-tiring actions.
Of course, E-Bikes are also dedicated to people who want to train, especially after you reach 25 km/h, when the engine stop helping you for a while.
Finally, E-Bikes have advantages for the entire society: they don’t take part in generating pollution, they are safe for the environment and they’re quite and green to help reducing all possible negative things that can affect people’s health. They are the perfect mean to develop a safe and sustainable mobility in our cities, our countrysides, going to substitute for cars in everyday’s life.